- 它的立体摄像机眼睛前后转动,将房间里的物品尽收眼底。
- Its stereoscopic camera eyes swivel back and forth , taking in the contents of the room .
- 你现在正坐在旋转办公椅上看这篇文章么?
- Are you sitting in a swivel office chair as you read this article ?
- 同时,半球铲子在遇到任何固体障碍时会旋转避开,因此拖网也不会破坏这些海底环境。
- And the scoops swivel out of the way if they encounter anything solid , so the dredge does not destroy such protuberances .
- 扭曲行动一直都被视为失败的行动。
- Operation twist has long been considered a failure .
- 在没有舞伴的情况下扭转,看上去实在可怜。
- Doing the twist without a partner just looks sad .
- 但人们有理由担心,扭转行动将产生不了什么有益成果。
- But there are reasons to fear that little good will come from the twist .
- 现在该轮到我们为他们服务了。
- Now it 's our turn to serve them .
- 今晚轮到我做晚饭了。
- My turn to cook supper tonight .
- 对待移民的态度转向保守,这并不让人惊讶。
- This illiberal turn in attitudes to migration is no surprise .
- 当研究人员继续将这些样品进行翻滚时,他们注意到砂粒的颜色变得越来越红。
- As the researchers continued to tumble the samples , they observed the sand getting redder and redder .
- 为证实这一观点,梅里逊和同事们将一些石英砂样品封装入玻璃烧瓶内,然后用一机械装置将这些烧瓶反复翻滚。
- To test the idea , merrison and colleagues sealed samples of quartz sand in glass flasks and used a machine to tumble them over and over .
- 不只是翻滚下去,实际上是飞着的,詹姆斯邦德电影里面的表演特技。
- It didn 't just tumble over the edge , it actually flew , like a stunt in a james bond film .