- 在接获投诉后的四十八小时内,完成行车道,单车径和行人路坑洞的修葺。
- Repair of holes in the carriageway , cycle track and footpath will be completed within 24 hours after receipt of a complaint .
- 路透社引述纽约警方说,他们曾多次发出警告,要求示威者留在布鲁克林大桥的人行道上,但有部分示威者组成人链走上通往布鲁克林区方向的行车道,因此采取了逮捕行动。
- Reuters quoted the police said that new york , on several occasions to warn demonstrators in brooklyn bridge path , but some protesters formed a human chain onto the road to brooklyn bound carriageway of the action taken by the arrest .
- 行人在该等街道等候横过马路时,往往阻塞行人路,甚至被迫走到车道上。
- Pedestrians waiting to cross such streets often obstruct the pavements , and some may even be forced to walk on the carriageway .
- 根据测试的结果和资金方面的许可,美国华盛顿州运输局将考虑投资到另外一些测试地区进行路面或状况的测试。
- Depending on the results of the tests and available funding , wsdot will consider investing in additional test areas on other roadway surfaces or situations .
- 一方面,思域受欢迎程度不断下降证明了日本对于汽车空间的在意程度,尤其是在道路狭窄和车库几乎贴身的情况下。
- In one respect , the civic 's declining popularity is a testament to how much space is coveted in japan , especially on its narrow roadway and snug garages .
- 该应用内嵌的图像算法能探测出,摄像头所拍摄到的车辆的具体行驶方向以及实时行驶状况,然后再综合手机的倾斜程度以及光线变化状况形成实时的路面交通状况准确图像。
- Using vision algorithms built into the app , the system determines which way cars on the roadway are facing and whether or not they are moving , taking into account the tilt of the phone and varying light conditions to establish an accurate picture of the roadway .
- 一辆破旧的红色轿车嘎吱嘎吱的开上了车道,在一座英伦庄园外停了下来。
- The beaten-up red car crunched up the driveway and came to a halt outside an english manor house .
- 一河南打工仔某日无聊逛马路。
- One henan young worker some day dull ramble driveway .
- 鸡为什么要过马路之唐诗版笑话。
- Why has chicken wanted the tang poetry edition of the driveway .
- 那些数不清的公路和房屋被煞费苦心地为人口分散而设计,而如何保留下来的问题,也缺乏整体的实体修复。
- Those untold acres of roadways and housing tracts are painstakingly designed to be decentralized , and short of a total physical overhaul that 's how they 'll remain .
- 目前有四个竞标方在竞争这座体育馆的所有权,其中包括两支足球队,一所足球学校,以及一家将在体育馆和周围公路上举办一级方程式汽车赛的公司。
- Four bidders are currently vying to take control of the stadium , including two soccer teams , a soccer college and a company that would stage formula one auto races in the stadium and on surrounding roadways .
- 这种“公路发电机”可做成几厘米厚度,因此能够覆盖宽广且易膨胀的路面,在不同的交通系统中都可轻松应用,比如公路、铁路甚至飞机跑道。
- The generators can be as thin as a few centimeters or can cover large expansive surfaces , and can be easily adapted for a variety of different transit systems including roadways , railways and even airplane runways .