- 紫心木这种树木的紫色木材,用于制造家具和细木加工。
- The purplish heartwood of this tree , used in furniture and turnery .
- 但有一些人认为大潮正在转向。
- But some see the tide turning .
- 然而,尼日利亚转向东方也面临着颇多困难。
- Turning east presents difficulties too , however .
- 然而,这一夜似乎变成了漫长的两周。
- Instead , it looks like turning into a long fortnight .
- 在北非和中东地区的城市中,穆沙拉比窗就是一种使用格栅和格构式窗取代玻璃窗和百叶窗的凸肚窗。
- In cities of north africa and the middle east , the moucharaby is an oriel that uses grills or lattices in place of glass and shutters .
- 为了验证他的这一理论,马尔多文配制了晶格中含有极小微粒锗的硅晶体。
- To test this idea , he grew crystals of silicon that contained tiny particles of germanium in their lattices .
- 科学杂志编辑预测下列领域将可能是2007年有望有突破的领域:行星科学,古人类学,灵长目基因组学,气候改变,全基因组相关研究和光晶格.
- Science 's editors predict that planetary science , paleoanthropology , primate genomics , climate change , whole-genome association studies , and optical lattices will be the areas to watch in 2007 .