- 虽然一开始你的速度较慢,但到劳动节时,你就会变得相当敏捷了。
- Though you may have started out slow , by labor day you 're pretty nimble .
- 与其它大型银行相比,光大银行当然更为敏捷,但评级机构对其落后的公司治理和风险管理方式心存忧虑。
- Certainly the bank is more nimble than its larger counterparts , but ratings agencies fret about its underdeveloped corporate governance and risk-management practices .
- 当涉及到对有资质专业人员的保留活动时,德国的表现更像一个迟钝的南方人而不像敏捷的北方人。
- When it comes to reserving activities to holders of professional qualifications , germany acts more like a stodgy southerner than a nimble northerner .
- 此外,当超凡的敏捷度成为当务之急时,飞机性能的局限因素则通常是需要在高强度的地心引力下让飞行员生存下来并保持清醒。
- And when extreme agility is required , the limiting factor on an aircraft 's performance is often the need to keep the pilot alive and conscious under high g-forces .
- 灵活是必要的,因为科技发展日新月异。
- Agility is essential because technology continues to evolve rapidly .
- 只有付出这样高的代价,才能保证晚会演出时动作灵活、跳跃自如。
- The agility and bounds of the evening were insured only a price like this .