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- President asif ali zardari returned to pakistan on tuesday after a 10-day trip to france and the united kingdom , an absence that sparked intense criticism from the media and opposition parties .
- 巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里(asifalizardari)结束了对法英两国为期十天的访问后于周二回国,而他未能及时回国引发了媒体和反对党的强烈批评。
- Under the threat of impeachment , musharraf stepped down last august and was replaced by asif ali zardari , the widower of slain former prime minister benazir bhutto , as the country 's president .
- 在面临弹劾的威胁之下,穆沙拉夫去年8月下台,由遇刺前总理布托(benazirbhutto)的丈夫扎尔达里(asifalizardari)接任总统一职。
- The cables also showed u. s.officials exploring ways to remove highly enriched uranium from a pakistani nuclear site in a way that wouldn 't spur a political backlash against pakistan president asif ali zardari .
- 这些电报还表明,美国官员曾想方设法处理巴基斯坦一处核设施的高浓缩铀,并且要保证巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里(asifalizardari)不会因此而在政治上招致不利。
- Mohammed asif arif , the insurance division commissioner at the secp , said that naya jeevan is in violation of the country 's insurance laws because it isn 't registered as a broker and can 't legally offer these products .
- secp保险监管部门专员阿里夫(mohammedasifarif)说,nayajeevan违反了巴基斯坦的保险法,因为它没有注册成为代理机构,因此没有资格提供这些产品。
- President asif ali zardari 's government has been reaching out to other countries for help .
- 巴基斯坦政府一直在向其他国家寻求帮助。
- Pakistani president asif ali zardari is set to meet president bush in new york this week to discuss , among other things , efforts to tackle the rising militant threat .
- 巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里定于本周在纽约同布什会晤,双方将讨论如何解决不断增加的激进分子威胁等问题。
- Afghan president hamid karzai and pakistani president asif ali zardari flew into tehran , at the head of high-level delegations , to discuss a series of problems , including drugs , terrorism and islamic extremism .
- 阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊和巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里率领高级代表团飞抵德黑兰,讨论毒品、恐怖主义和伊斯兰极端主义等一系列问题。
- But asif . Suicide . No.
- 但是asif..自杀..不..
- Mr. hoti said that the federal government and president asif ali zardari have approved the deal under which , as he put it , all un-islamic provisions in the existing legal system stand outlawed as a first step .
- 霍蒂先生说,联邦政府和总统阿西夫阿里扎尔达里已经批准了根据该协议,他说,所有非伊斯兰的规定在现有的法律制度的立场取缔作为第一步。
- The court found that mr. gilani had failed to follow an earlier court order to reopen graft investigations into pakistan president asif ali zardari .
- 法庭认为,吉拉尼没有遵守法庭之前发出的命令,重启针对巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里(asifalizardari)的贪污调查。