- 这种有毒的蜘蛛跳起的高度能达自己身长的80倍,难以捕捉,也很难拍照。
- The venomous arachnid , which can jump up to 80 times the length of its own body , can be elusive and difficult to photograph
- 紫罗兰(三色堇)--有抗炎的作用;对湿疹和皮斑有效;痰。
- Johnny-jump-up ( viola tricolor ) - has anti-inflammatory properties ; good for eczema and skin blemishes ; loosens phlegm .
- 这种难以捉摸的有毒的节肢动物可以跳到比自身长度高80倍的高度,拍摄有难度。
- The venomous arachnid , which can jump up to 80 times the length of its own body , can be elusive and difficult to photograph