- eurogroupconsulting2月份为法国餐饮及酒店业协会(umih)所做报告中的最新数据显示,2009年平均餐厅账单数额较上一年下滑2.5%至12.61欧元(16.39美元)。
- The average restaurant bill slipped 2.5 % to 12.61 euros ( $ 16.39 ) in 2009 from the year before , according to the most recent data in a february report prepared by eurogroup consulting for the hotel-and-restaurant trade association umih .
- 比特素养能使人们在当下变得更有效率,并且对未来的挑战有备而来。
- Bit literacy makes people more effective today , even as it equips them for the future .
- 我们在路边停了一会儿,讨论到底发生了什么事。
- We stopped down the road a little bit to talk about what happened .
- 过了一会儿,你的身体感到非常的轻你的心会变的平静。
- After a bit , your body will feel very light , and your mind will become still .