- 人们从赌博得到启示,又创造了博彩游戏。
- Getting inspiration from the wager , people create the jeu game .
- 一个黛安阿勃丝的摄影展将从十月十八日至2012年二月五日在巴黎网球场美术馆举办,之后将会去苏黎世、柏林以及阿姆斯特丹巡展。
- An exhibition of diane arbus 's photographs will be held at the jeu de paume , paris , from october 18th to february 5th 2012 , and then travel to zurich , berlin and amsterdam .
- 那弓腰驼背的老太婆说:“朋友,老实跟你说了吧,观光是一回事,移民可是另一回事呀!”
- The hunchbacked old woman said : " friend , to be quite honest about it , sightseeing is one thing , and immigrating is another ! "
- 那种车子有一种说不出的佝偻丑态,在今日已没有什么东西和它相似的了;
- These vehicles , which have no counterparts nowadays , had something distorted and hunchbacked about them ;
- 亚瑟王惊骇极了,看看女巫:驼背,丑陋不堪,只有一个牙齿,身上发出臭水沟般难闻的气味,而且经常制造出猥亵的声音。
- Young arthur was horrified : she was hunchbacked and awfully hideous , had only one tooth , smelled like sewage water , often made obscene noises ......