- 雌性鞭尾蜥蜴(whiptaillizards)有着独特的无性繁殖能力,可以自己繁殖后代。
- The female whiptail lizards are doing it for themselves with the unique ability to produce asexually .
- 许多哺乳动物具备独一无二的区分红、绿色调(即三原色色彩视觉)的本领,这种适应性的意义无数次引起进化生物学家的争论。
- Sciencedaily ( june 27 , 2007 ) - the adaptive significance of the unique ability in many primates to distinguish red hues from green ones ( i.e. , trichromatic color vision ) has always enticed debate among evolutionary biologists .
- 雌性鞭尾蜥蜴(whiptaillizards)有着独特的无性繁殖能力,可以自己繁殖后代。
- The female whiptail lizards are doing it for themselves with the unique ability to produce asexually .