- 这些省级选举标志着逊尼派阿拉伯人向着掌握权力迈出了最初的一大步他们中大多数抵制了上次选举,因而被降到不重要的位置上,或加入了反叛武装。
- The provincial ones should mark a first big step towards empowering the sunni arabs , most of whom boycotted the contest last time round and thus relegated themselves to the sidelines or pushed themselves into the arms of the insurgents .
- 让我原地踏步,让我无法迈出前进的那一步。
- Let me mark time so I can 't take the step forward .
- 次年3月又是如此。
- And again the following march .
- 但当地村民似乎对游行活动表示淡定。
- Locals seemed relatively relaxed about the march .
- 三月份制造业订单有所下降。
- Manufacturing orders fell in march .
- 游泳时,人们会不停地蹬踏让自己保持在水面上。
- When you tread water , you lift yourself up by pushing water down .
- 他愉快而轻描淡写地补充道:“我试着保证我们不会过多地踩在香蕉皮上。”
- With cheerful understatement he adds : " I try to make sure we don 't tread on too many banana skins . "
- 但大多数的人(还是表面看上去的情况)恐惧地观望着,因为他们认出了我,不敢相信我敢踏上这片受到神佑的土地。
- But most , or again so it seemed , looked on in horror because they recognized me and couldn 't believe that I would dare tread upon this sacred soil .