- 中东各国事态发展令人眩晕的节奏,有时让奥巴马政府难以跟上,而一些批评人士表示,白宫未能尽早给予民主抗议者有力支持。
- The administration has struggled at times to keep up with the dizzying pace of events across middle eastern countries , and some critics say the white house did not emphatically back pro-democracy protesters early enough .
- 为了紧跟国家示范性高等职业院校建设的步伐,高职院校专业图书馆在服务模式方面需要不断地创新。
- Service patterns in vocational colleges should be constantly innovated in order to keep up with the pace of the construction of the national exemplary vocational colleges .
- 即使上了四年大学,你在工作后,为了不落伍,跟得上你所在的行业新技术新发展的步伐,你可能需要回来再受两年教育一至两年的教育。
- And even if you go to a four-year college , you may need to go back and retrain two years -- for a year or two , even while you 're working , to keep up , keep pace with new technologies and new developments in your industry .
- 再过一分钟我就能赶上他们,范切尔想。
- In a minute I 'll catch up with them van cheele thought .
- 这些出现的经济大国可能会比预想的要快地赶上老牌的、更发达的经济大国。
- The emerging economies may catch up with the older more developed ones sooner than expected .
- 因为这个广告模式如此有利可图,所有的门户网站都想赶上谷歌(google)。
- Because this advertising model is so lucrative all internet portals want to catch up with google .