
v.丝棉( floss的现在分词 );乱丝;绣花丝线;绒毛
flossing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Your smile depends on simple dental care habits , such as brushing and flossing .
- 自信的笑容取决于简单的牙齿护理习惯,如刷牙和使用牙线。
- Brushing twice per day , flossing once per day .
- 一天两次彻底刷牙,每日剔牙。
- But I have been flossing . " Fine " , you said .
- 我都有在用啊."很好",这可是你说的.
- Flossing also helps prevent periodontal disease -- another common cause of bad breath .
- 丝线也有助于预防牙周病,后者是引起口臭的另一个常见原因。
- David feldman , in new york , schedules his tooth flossing to coincide with his regular browsing of online discussion groups .
- 纽约的大卫费尔德曼把用洁牙线清洁牙缝安排在日常浏览网上讨论之时。
- But I do know a thing or two about creating the habit of flossing , and that 's what we 're focusing on here .
- 但是我对于如何养成这样的习惯还是略知一二的,而这正是我们接下来主要探讨的。
- In addition , flossing regularly and using a good mouthwash is also recommended .
- 此外,还推荐你定期使用牙线和挑选一把好牙刷。
- I do know that flossing can fairly quickly improve your dental health .
- 我可以确定地告诉你,牙线能相当快地改善你的牙齿健康状况。
- I always knew I should have been flossing , but could never make the habit stick .
- 我一直都知道应该使用牙线洁牙,但是就是没有办法坚持去做。
- Fight gum disease by brushing your teeth , flossing and taking 500 mg to 1 g of alfalfa in two daily doses .
- 刷牙、用牙线清洁牙齿、每日使用500毫克到1克的苜蓿,都可以打败牙龈细菌。