- 以单侧下肢发病较多,起始足部和小腿发凉,怕冷,麻木,间歇跛行,疼痛,逐渐出现肌肉萎缩,汗毛脱落,严重者可发生溃疡或坏疽。
- Unilateral more incidence of lower limb , foot and leg initial cold , afraid of the cold , numb , intermittent claudication , pain , muscle atrophy began to emerge , gan mao peeling and serious ulcers can occur or gangrene .
- 大约10%的外周动脉疾病患者腿部疼痛会很严重,出现跛行综合症。
- About 10 % of pad patients have a severe form of leg pain , known as claudication .
- 这个症状的医学术语是“间歇性跛行”。
- The medical term for this condition is " intermittent claudication . "
- 跳著舞的流水啊!当你途中的泥沙为你的歌声和流动哀求时,你可愿意担起他们跛足的重担?
- The sands in you way beg for your song and your movement , dancing water . Will you carry the burden of their lameness ?
- 其结果是相当大的痛苦和跛行。
- The result is considerable pain and lameness .
- 他的残废使他喜欢做些案头工作。
- His lameness made him fond of sedentary occupation .
- 腿瘸了就别到处乱跑。
- Don 't go limping around now .
- 他有些蹒跚地走着,看起来很疲倦。
- He was limping slightly and he looked tired .
- 他一拐一拐地跛着走开了。
- He went away , limping dot and go one .