- 一般来说,每3个星期中我会这样做一次,我们徒步跋涉到一家博物馆,然后到动物园或水族馆。
- On average , I make that effort one week in three and we trek to a museum , the zoo or the aquarium .
- 180万年前,直立猿人首先从非洲经过艰苦的跋涉抵达亚洲东部。
- Homo erectus made the first great trek out of africa and into east asia 1.8 million years ago .
- 美国官员也担心新一代的圣战运动人员会跋涉到巴基斯坦寻求基地组织的援助。
- U.s. officials , too , worry that a new generation of jihadis is making the trek to pakistan , seeking al-qaeda 's assistance .
- 求职者不必长途跋涉到公司的人力资源部门去填写各种表格。
- One doesn 't have to trudge down to the hr office to fill out forms .
- 我开始长途跋涉,经过郁郁葱葱的处女山谷,山谷中点缀着农田和偶尔一见的小村庄。
- It began as a long trudge through sweet , green , virginal valleys pockmarked with farms or the occasional hamlet .
- 我们跋涉周期相同烦恼每对冰箱和看一眼盯着比尔困在那里回来,不屈。
- We trudge through the same cycle of worries with each glance towards the fridge and see that bill stuck there staring back , unyielding .
- 它曾经的主人是一个最后死于贫困的流浪汉,他并不知道这只他用来乞讨的碗的价值。
- It had been used by a tramp who ended his days in poverty , quite unaware of the value of the bowl with which he begged for pennies .
- 他像一个流浪汉那样穿衣时,声称这在某种程度上是表明他拒绝与上流社会(换言之,即虚伪社会)为伍。
- When he started dressing like a tramp he claimed it was , in part , to advertise his refusal to join polite , ie , hypocritical society .
- 就像一个护理员说的,他们是“奥威尔笔下的现代爱尔兰流浪汉”天主教徒,处于伦敦无家可归人群的边缘,而且感染了“对财富的极大渴求”。
- As one careworker put it , they 're " orwell 's latter-day irish tramp " - catholic , slightly on the fringe of the london homeless community , and plagued with a " great thirst " .
- 如果金钱能买来健康和休闲,赶走忧虑和辛劳,那么为何研究发现金钱对快乐的影响如此微弱?
- If money can buy health and leisure and banish worry and toil , why is the effect of money on happiness so weak in studies ?
- 其实他更应该让人记住的是他在参议院里纵横47年的辛劳,在那里他是一名有惊世才能的立法者。
- He ought rather to be remembered for his 47 years of manly toil in the senate , where he was a staggeringly capable legislator .
- 因此若报纸和粗俗的平装书能创造社会、政治新单位,还有人为此辛劳牺牲,则此最新沟通方式亦可实现。
- So if newspapers and tatty paperbacks can create new social and political units , for which people toil and die , perhaps the latest forms of communication can do likewise .