- 本文对《说文解字》小篆中的对称字进行分类,探索它们的构形理据并以此管窥我国先民的审美心理。
- In this paper , symmetrical chinese characters of xiao zhuan in shuo wen jie zi are classified to explore their basis of form and to apperceive aesthetic mentality of ancient chinese .
- 介绍了南水北调中线干线渠道与朔黄铁路交汇处暗涵的施工方案,分析了顶进施工各工序的控制要点,提出了具体措施。
- This paper introduced the construction project of the hidden culvert which is in the intersection point of south-to-north water centerline trunk line and shuo-huang railroad , analyzed control main point of the boosting construction various working procedures , and proposed the the specific measures .
- 我想了半天,对老薛说,可能是畅销,就是有一个问题:这四条里头,我在哪儿呢?
- My thinking along while , vs old xue shuo , may be a salability and have a question : these four insides , where am I ?