- 镇压车臣分裂主义叛乱、制服富豪商人、使不安定的地区归顺等政策也使他在俄罗斯民众中树立了相当高的声望。
- His policies -- crushing a chechen separatist rebellion , taming super-rich businessmen and bringing wayward regions to heel -- have similarly won him popularity among russians .
- 这些新发现足迹(由英国波恩茅斯大学的马修班奈特和他的同事登载在《科学》杂志上)证实直立人从脚跟到脚趾和现代人的走路方式一模一样,而和他的类猿祖先南方古猿的步态不一样。
- The new tracks , reported in science by matthew bennett of bournemouth university , in britain , and his colleagues , confirm that homo erectus walked heel-to-toe as a modern human does , rather than with the ape-like gait of its own ancestors , the australopithecines .
- 然后慢慢将你的脚踵落地。
- Slowly lower your heel to the ground .