- 机器在智力上能超越人类吗?
- Can machines surpass humans in intelligence ?
- 你们曾经做出什么努力来超越人呢?
- What have ye done to surpass man ?
- 如今竞争对手的产品在很多重要方面超越了苹果。
- Rival devices now surpass the iphone in many crucial respects .
- facebook提供的服务会超越地域和国界的限制为世界上的每一个人提供服务.
- The facebook service should transcend geographic and national boundaries and be available to everyone in the world .
- 通过明智的实力,我们将谋求建立能超越地域和政治疆界的伙伴合作关系。
- With smart power , we will seek to build partnerships that transcend geographic and political boundaries .
- 整个三荧一云的美妙幻境只能在你的媒体可以超越设备时出现。
- The whole three-screens-and-a-cloud vision only works if your media can truly transcend devices .
- 即使查维兹总统可以克服这些经济困难,但自己的健康也一直充满变数。
- Even if the president can surmount these economic woes , his own health remains a wild card .
- 到目前为止,该病毒的创造者通过不断改造它使它克服了脸谱网的安全极客们设置的所有障碍。
- Its criminal creators have so far adapted it to surmount all the obstacles put up by the firm 's security geeks .
- 但是这些企业面临一个新的障碍去克服:这个国家的激烈毒品“战争”。
- But those businesses have a new hurdle to surmount : the country 's raging drug " war " .