- 那是因为你超出限额了。
- That 's because you exceed your limit .
- 它们的投资将超出200亿美元。
- Their investment could exceed $ 20 billion .
- 但现如今每个方案所含单词超过10000个。
- But nowadays they often exceed 10000 words apiece .
- 机器在智力上能超越人类吗?
- Can machines surpass humans in intelligence ?
- 你们曾经做出什么努力来超越人呢?
- What have ye done to surpass man ?
- 如今竞争对手的产品在很多重要方面超越了苹果。
- Rival devices now surpass the iphone in many crucial respects .
- 存款增长幅度有可能超过贷款增长,进一步压低这一比率。
- Deposit growth could overtake loan growth , further depressing the ratio .
- 巴拿马的人均国民生产总值将很快超过哥斯达黎加和委内瑞拉。
- Panama will soon overtake costa rica and venezuela in gdp per head .
- 《华尔街日报》:亚洲在互联网广告领域的收入会超过北美地区吗?
- Wsj : will asia overtake north america in terms of online-advertising revenue ?
- facebook提供的服务会超越地域和国界的限制为世界上的每一个人提供服务.
- The facebook service should transcend geographic and national boundaries and be available to everyone in the world .
- 通过明智的实力,我们将谋求建立能超越地域和政治疆界的伙伴合作关系。
- With smart power , we will seek to build partnerships that transcend geographic and political boundaries .
- 整个三荧一云的美妙幻境只能在你的媒体可以超越设备时出现。
- The whole three-screens-and-a-cloud vision only works if your media can truly transcend devices .
- 你的超能力来源于哪儿?
- What would your super power be ?
- 我儿子他赋予我超能力。
- My son he gives me super power .
- 我会回避热门行业和超高回报率。
- I avoid the hot sectors and super returns .
- 仅仅过了一代人,美国已经不是一个超级大国了。
- After just a generation , the united states was no longer a hyper power .
- 我如果喝了太多咖啡就会变得很兴奋。
- I get hyper if I drink too much coffee .
- 巧克力使他们最小的孩子变得亢奋和脾气暴躁。
- Chocolate makes their youngest child hyper and bad-tempered .