- 春天的某个傍晚,在汉堡罗滕鲍姆大道(rothenbaumchaussee)拥挤的bolero咖啡店,我约见了start资助的其他学生。
- Early one spring evening I meet other start students , in the crowded cafe bolero on hamburg 's rothenbaumchaussee .
- 本文着重介绍了大唐阳城发电有限责任公司采用优化启动操作、去除卫燃带耙钉、油枪技改等措施后,启动用油量由原来的240吨降至100吨左右,且屏过在启动中无超温现象。
- This article highlights the limited liability company datang yangcheng power optimized start operations with a rake to remove the ignition pin , ejector technical transformation and other measures , the start fuel consumption increased from 240 tons to 100 tons , and the screen over the no start-temperature phenomena .
- 虽然俄罗斯和美国在2011年的新削减战略武器条约(新start)协定中提供了一些数字,但这些数字只提供了概要而非完整声明。
- Whilst the rf and us provided some figures for the new strategic arms reduction treaty ( new start ) agreement in 2011 , these still only provide an outline rather than a complete declaration .
- 开始与大家分享乔布斯的话。
- Starting using jobs quotes with people . "
- 这种变化或许已经开始出现了。
- It already may be starting to happen .
- 下面的资源列表可以给你提供一个出发点。
- The following resource list gives you a starting point .
- 政治家们会每次房屋经济稍有颓势时就迫不及待的启动担保。
- Politicians would be tempted to activate it every time there 's a housing downturn .
- 老虎队员教他怎样穿上及激活自杀式夹克。
- The tigers showed him how to wear and activate a suicide jacket .
- 当你启动一个在线账户,它就能够让你给你制定的电话号码发送一个类似的安全警告。
- When you activate an account online , it enables you to send out an alert to a phone number of your choice .