- 夏日被春天穿过,从山顶升入天国,慷慨却变为罪恶,等待在路末。
- From the summer to the spring from the mountain to the air from samaritan to sin and it 's waiting on the end .
- 结果人参的花芽分化从芽苞原基分化开始到花芽形态建成结束经历2年的时间,当人参地上部分处于浆果红熟期时,其越冬芽的分化正处于由叶原基分化向花序原基分化转变的时期。
- Results the ginseng flower bud differentiation went through two years from bud differentiation to the end of the morphogenesis . The wintering bud was changing from leaf primordium differentiation stage to inflorescence primordium stage when the ginseng was at the red ripe stage .
- 8世纪末以后,古代北欧人对波罗的海至地中海的每一块沿海土地进行了掠夺。
- From the end of the eighth century , the norsemen ravished and plundered the shores of every land from the baltic to the mediterranean .