- 原谅我,干燥的沙漠,原谅我一勺水也不能马上给你带去。
- Pardon me , deserts , that I don 't rush to you bearing a spoonful of water .
- 因为那个原因,库克,你能原谅这个表达,是一个杰出的执行主管。
- And for that course , cook is , you will pardon the expression , an executive chef extraordinaire .
- 能够原谅曾经伤害过我们的人,会明显有益心理健康。
- There are clear mental health benefits that come with the ability to pardon those who have hurt us .
- 至于研究能否为因胡作非为尔收到责备的青少年开脱责任,他说,“那是留给哲学家的问题。”
- As to whether any study can absolve teens of blame for their antics , he said , " that 's a question for the philosophers . "
- 他指出,无论相关法律意见存在多么明显的缺陷,它们都应该足以免除审讯人员的责任。
- He suggested that , whatever the manifest flaws of the legal opinions , they should absolve interrogators of blame .
- 合作、一体化随便你怎么称呼都无法免除单个政府的责任。
- Co-operation , integration , call it what you will , does not absolve individual governments of responsibility .