- 他停止吃红色的肉制品。
- He stopped eating red meat .
- 展示我的红色的铅笔.
- Show me a red pencil .
- 它绕着一颗红矮星运行。
- It orbits a red dwarf star .
- 这种深红色染料在欧洲非常稀有,后来很快被用来制造奢侈的衣服,如天鹅绒,供新兴的中产阶级使用。
- Rare and highly-sought after in europe , that crimson powder was soon being used in the manufacture of luxury fabrics such as velvet for an emerging middle class .
- 6/11匈牙利:布达佩斯附近的田野中,深红的三叶草(学名trifoliumincarnatumin)鲜花盛开。
- 6 / 11 Hungary : blooms of crimson clover ( trifolium incarnatumin ) in fields near budapest .
- 漆成黄色,深红和白色的小船在水中荡来荡去,它们可能属于地中海崎岖不平任何一个的海岸。
- The boats painted in yellow , crimson , and white that bob in the water could belong to any scraggy mediterranean coast .
- 荒原忽然充满了红色、黄色、紫色和橙色的勃勃生机。
- Suddenly the desert was alive with reds and yellows , purples and oranges .
- 对于葡萄酒,坚持喝深红色酒(梅鹿辄,赤霞珠)因为它们的高抗氧化剂含量。
- For wine , stick with the darker reds ( merlot , cabernet sauvignon ) for their high antioxidant content .
- 至于红色,金色和紫色,这是花色素甙在起作用;这是作为叶子中蛋白质和糖分之间复杂反应的结果而产生的一种色素。
- As for the reds , golds and purples , this is anthocyanin at work ; a pigment produced as a result of a complex reaction between proteins and sugars in the leaf .