- 多氯代甲烷对鳝鱼红细胞微核率及核异常率的影响。
- Effect of polychlorinated methane on the micronucleus rate and nucleus abnormity rate of mud eel red blood cells .
- 电影和角色令每个男人和每个男孩都想买上一把大号的格斗军刀,袒着胸膛,泥浆裹身,系上红色的头带,在丛林里呼啸奔腾。
- This movie and character made every man and boy want to go out buy an over-sized military combat knife , strip topless , cover himself in mud , put on a red bandanna and live in the forest .
- 现在,皮肤病变、红斑和其他疾病症状普遍在青蟹、鱼和其他海产品品种中爆发。
- Mud crabs , fish and other seafood have erupted in lesions , red spots and other signs of sickness .
- amadeus目前由私募股权公司bcpartners和cinvengroup所拥有。
- Amadeus is currently run by pe firms bc partners and the cinven group .
- 由于私人股本集团bcpartners、cvccapital和黑石集团(blackstone)均有意收购立博,此次分拆也可能导致立博被其中某家收购。
- The separation could also see ladbrokes acquired by a private equity group , with bc partners , cvc capital and blackstone all interested in buying it .
- amadeus在四年前当bcpartners和cinven从三家航空公司手中购得股份时退市。
- Amadeus was delisted four years ago when bc partners and cinven bought their stake from the three airlines .