- 1/14法国.拉罗谢尔:在红牛悬崖跳水世界大赛上,cyrilleoumedjkane从27.5米高的平台跳入水中。
- 1 / 14 La rochelle , france : cyrille oumedjkane lands after diving off a 27.5m-high platform during the red bull cliff-diving world series
- 最初,悬崖拒绝,而是变得温和,并采取树珍爱丽丝尼科尔斯,美国红十字会的一名食堂工人找到她干净的衣服。
- Initially , cliff refuses , but relents and takes shu-jen to alice nichols , an american red cross canteen worker , to find clean clothes for her .
- 安德烈伊格纳坚科在乌克兰跳水从26米跳水平台角逐时期的2009年3红牛绝壁跳水系列在克罗地亚杜布罗夫尼克。
- Andrey ignatenko of the ukraine dives from the 26-meter platform during round three of the 2009 red bull cliff diving series in dubrovnik , croatia .
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