- 12月份美国贸易代表发布了一份全世界最“臭名昭著”的假货市场的年度报告。
- In december the us trade representative issued its annual report on the world 's most " notorious " counterfeit markets .
- 另外一些人则通过仔细查看水印、识别标志和序列号来区分真钞,防范据说流传于市场的少量伪造津巴布韦钞票。
- Others guard against the small number of counterfeit zimbabwean bills rumored to be in the market by studying the watermark , signature and serial numbers that distinguish genuine bills .
- 在线拍卖的商家和商务网站都纷纷暗示他们有假货可卖。
- Sellers on online auction and trading sites use carefully chosen expressions to indicate that they are offering counterfeit goods .
- 当然这是一个目的而且关于食用转基因谷物对人类身体有害这种担心是欺骗性的。
- Certainly that is a motive and certainly the concern that eating genetically modified crops is dangerous to one 's health is spurious .
- 在大力水手再次成为主要电影明星的年份,回忆他对菠菜的断言是假的,这是有益的。
- In the year that popeye became once again a major movie star it is salutary to recall that his claims for spinach are spurious .
- 美国总统候选人应公开为美国与亚洲的关系喝采,而不要为了得到蓝领阶层的几张选票,躲在欺骗性的经济民族主义屏风后。
- Us presidential hopefuls should openly celebrate the us relationship with asia , not hide behind a screen of spurious economic nationalism for the sake of a few blue-collar votes .
- 我只是造了那份假条约.
- I only made the fake treaty .
- 在喷涌出假鱼的河里。
- In sprouting lakes of fake fish .
- 老千在桌上放一个隐藏了摄像头的假冒筹码。
- Cheats put fake chips with a hidden camera on a table .
- 网页设计师不会被框架产生的标记所限制,也不是被迫围绕内嵌代码或是伪代码来设计。
- The web designer is not constrained by framework generated markup nor are they she forced to design around inline code or pseudo code .
- 我们的结论是,线性叠加模型软体对於微小的浓度改变敏感,但需要发展一个校正的流程以消除伪浓度改变量。
- We conclude that lcmodel is sensitive to tiny concentration changes , but it would be necessary to develop a calibration procedure to eliminate pseudo concentration changes .
- 这一年,我们被煽情的废话所淹没。
- This year we were swamped by pseudo emotional guff .
- 我制造了一个虚假的障碍。
- I 'm creating a false barrier .
- 大多数虚假新闻很容易就得到原谅。
- Most false news is easily forgiven .
- 清除那些错误的根源。
- Weed out the false roots .