- 与此同时,资产没有严重受损的银行可在五年内可从政府手中赎回优先股,避免将来的政府持股。
- Meanwhile , banks with assets that are not badly impaired could redeem the government preferred shares within five years , avoiding any government shareholding thereafter .
- 但是政府无力挽回限制非欧人工作,看起来它更有可能从根源上扼杀,而不是将问题条分缕析。
- But the government , desperate to redeem a misguided promise , seems to be reaching for a hatchet instead of a scalpel .
- 麦道夫太太希望挽回形象的机会,例如慈善行为,看来是没有机会了。
- Mrs. madoff 's opportunities to redeem her image - for instance , through charity - appear limited .
- 绑匪近年绑架了好几个队员的亲属,然后索取赎金。
- In recent years relatives of several players have been taken for ransom .
- 2010年索马里海盗积聚了大约2.38亿美元赎金。
- Somali pirates collected approximately $ 238 million in ransom in 2010 .
- 最常见的结局是,由所有者支付赎金,然后没有人受到伤害。
- Often enough , the owners pay ransom and nobody gets hurt .