- 一旦银行家们承诺支付贷款,那么驱使他们购买贷款担保证券基金的欲望将胜于留在那些有助于解释他们取得比以前获得更大的信用风险的帐本上。
- Once bankers have underwritten the loans , they can sell them on to clo funds rather than keeping them on their books , which may help to explain their willingness to take greater credit risks than before .
- 接受者只需将钱存入到各自的账户或者直接转售给那些出售较原价打小幅度折扣系列号的商店。
- Recipients simply add the credit to their account or sell it on to shops that sell the numbers at a slight discount from the original .
- 经济结构调整的第一层表现是,过去几周来铁矿石价格显著下跌,导火索是银行贷款政策收紧,导致交易商们因无法获得贷款展期而被迫在市场价格下跌的情况下出售储备。
- Layered on top of that structural shift , the precipitous drop in iron ore prices over the past few weeks has been triggered by tightening bank credit policies that are forcing traders to sell their stockpiles into the falling market because they can 't extend their loans .