- 资本市场自身正在萎缩。
- Capital markets themselves are shrinking .
- 这些公司在挥霍风险资金。
- They are burning venture capital .
- 首都的平静正趋于平和。
- The calm in the capital is disarming .
- 但问题不仅仅在于钱。
- But it is more than just money .
- 所有法定货币的长期价值都是零。
- The long-run value of all fiat money is zero .
- 金钱并不是我前进的动力。”
- Money is not a motivator for me . "
- 但专业资格并不能保证能力优秀。
- But qualifications don 't guarantee excellence .
- 最好的领导者拥有强大的意志力,而不是资格和敏感度。
- And the best leaders possess great willpower rather than qualifications and sensitivity .
- 大多数mba学生都具备在顶级公司工作的资质。
- Most mba students possess the qualifications to work at top firms .
- 亲爱的经济学家:我应该补贴我的搭档吗?
- Dear economist : should I subsidize my partner ?
- 这就是为什么你会看到政府在试图补贴厂家或是消费者。
- That 's why you see governments trying to subsidize manufacturers or the consumer .
- 为了交养老院的费用,她不得不卖掉一些泰坦尼克号的纪念品,并鼓励朋友们建立基金资助她在养老院的费用。
- She had to sell several titanic mementoes to raise funds , prompting her friends to set up a fund to subsidize her nursing home fees .
- 以这个收入你能支撑起一个家庭吗?
- Can you support a family on that income ?
- 邻近单位应当给予支援。
- Neighboring units shall provide support .
- 克林顿承诺美国将继续提供支援。
- Clinton pledged continued u.s. support .
- 但通过创建企业提供就业、为股东创造财富以及销售改善人们生活的产品,资本家也可以为自己的努力建造一座意义远远大于墓碑的纪念碑。
- But by building companies that furnish jobs , that generate riches for stockholders and sell products that improve people 's lives , capitalists can establish memorials to their efforts that are much more than tombstones .
- 他预付了六个月的租金,并且委托老奶奶把大小两间屋子里的家具布置好,布置情形是我们见到过的。
- He had paid her six months in advance , and had commissioned the old woman to furnish the chamber and dressing-room , as we have seen .
- 国家应从专注于制定一些规则让市场发挥功能转变成为市场提供无法供应的公共产品。
- The state should instead concentrate on setting rules that allow markets to function , and provide public goods the market cannot furnish .
- 其他的应用程式会发送更多的资料。
- Other apps transmitted more data .
- 我们要把它想成是情报资料。
- Think about it as intelligence data .
- 什么是web数据挖掘?
- What is web data mining ?