- 随着更多的州采用了控制性犯罪者所能涉足地区的法律,保护儿童的高尚目标与神圣不可侵犯的第一修正案中关于无论何时都可信仰你所选择的教会的权利相冲突只是时间的问题。
- As more states have adopted laws regulating where sex offenders can go , it was only a matter of time before the noble goal of protecting children butted heads with the sacrosanct first amendment right to worship where and when you choose .
- 接受一些不可能改变的事实,物价会涨,政客会玩弄权手段,你也会老;当你老时,你会幻想着你年轻时合理的物价,高贵的政客,孩子们对长辈的尊重。
- Accept certain inalienable truths , prices will rise , politicians will philander , you too will get old , and when you do you will fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable , politicians were noble and children respected their elders .