- 游牧的图阿雷格人曾手持冲锋枪和步枪骑骆驼横穿北部贫瘠区域。
- Nomadic tuareg tribesmen , carrying kalashnikov rifles , once criss-crossed the barren north on camels .
- 当欧洲人1722年到达该岛时,发现它已经相当贫瘠,几乎没有居民。
- When europeans arrived in 1722 , they found the island mostly barren and its inhabitants few .
- 如果伊朗首都的居民想远离一下这个城市令人窒息的烟雾的话,他们常会跑到山丘上去,或者是到矗立在德黑兰北边郊区的那些荒芜的山脉上。
- When residents of iran 's capital seek escape from its choking smog , they often head for the hills , or rather the barren mountains that soar above tehran 's northern suburbs .
- 穷的单身人士真可怜。
- Pity the poor single people .
- 可怜的罗伯特觉得很厌烦。
- Poor robert got very bored .
- 可怜的安妮只能一动不动。
- Poor anne could not move .
- 腺嘌呤诱导不育大鼠精子中精蛋白mrna的研究。
- Studies on protamine mrna in sperms of infertile rats induced by adenine .
- 人类的卵细胞可以阅读父亲的基因钥匙并且筛除失败,这一发现可能会节省那些不孕不育夫妇数年的毫无成果的治疗。
- Infertile couples may be spared years of fruitless treatment with the discovery that the human egg can read the father 's genetic key and screen out failures .
- 她知道自己现在不能生育了。
- She learned that she was now infertile .
- 较远的将来,这种技术可能成为治疗不孕症的一个新工具。
- Further in the future , the technique could lead to a new tool for treating infertility .
- 如果不治疗性传播疾病,会导致盆腔炎、不孕症和宫外孕。
- Without treatment , the sexually transmitted disease causes pelvic inflammatory disease , infertility and ectopic pregnancies .
- 位于纽卡斯尔的tyne大学的研究者说,他们的技术将给不孕症的疗法带来革命。
- Researchers at newcastle upon tyne university say their technique will help lead to new treatments for infertility .