- 穷的单身人士真可怜。
- Pity the poor single people .
- 可怜的罗伯特觉得很厌烦。
- Poor robert got very bored .
- 可怜的安妮只能一动不动。
- Poor anne could not move .
- 只是如果投资者期望复苏强劲,为什么还要接受这样微薄的收益呢?
- But why would investors accept meagre yields if they expected a vigorous recovery ?
- 在周中,大雨已经使得在三角洲地区少得可怜的援助停止了。
- By midweek , heavy rains were hampering the meagre aid operations in the delta .
- 三分之一以上的企业得分为零;平均得分率只有可怜的4%。
- More than a third of firms scored zero ; the average was a meagre 4 % .
- 由于基于收入的储蓄不足,美国不得不从国外进口盈余储蓄以实现增长并让经济出现巨额经常账户赤字以吸引外国资本。
- Lacking in income-based saving , the us had to import surplus saving from abroad in order to grow and ran massive current-account deficits to attract the foreign capital .
- 因卡路里摄入量不足而导致的不幸腹部肿胀,四肢残废,毫无生机很容易被人看出来。
- The misery of lacking calories-bloated bellies , wasted limbs , the lethargy of famine-is easy to spot .
- 但证据却有所不足。
- The evidence for that is lacking .
- 短睡眠者通常会很瘦并且新陈代谢很快。
- Short sleepers also tend to be thin and have faster metabolisms .
- 在镜头里,时装模特们看起来瘦得令人担忧。
- On camera , fashion models look worryingly thin .
- 难怪你会这么瘦,你吃得好少啊。
- No wonder you 're so thin , you eat so little .