Lacking in income-based saving , the us had to import surplus saving from abroad in order to grow and ran massive current-account deficits to attract the foreign capital .
The misery of lacking calories-bloated bellies , wasted limbs , the lethargy of famine-is easy to spot .
The evidence for that is lacking .
There were a couple of other things about the series 9 that I found lacking .
Compared with its counterpart , this piece is creative though , it is still lacking in some taste and needs some development .
I know I 'm lacking in certain areas , and I 'd love for your help in rounding out this list .
But legal protection for these arrangements is lacking , and corruption and abuse by local government officials who oversee the transactions are rife .
The report , released on wednesday , will exacerbate fears that fiscal discipline at the us pentagon is lacking at a time when looming budget cuts could lead to greater reliance on outside contractors .
This week eu finance ministers talked of the possibility of bilateral loans to rescue greece , as a reward for the government 's new fiscal austerity-though details were conspicuously lacking .