- 竞选失败者可能要质疑选举结果。
- The losers may challenge the outcome .
- 他们还应质疑企业的投资策略。
- They should also challenge investment strategies .
- 现在是时候质疑这种看法了。
- It is time to challenge this vision .
- 别让质询权睡着了。
- Don 't let the right of interpellation be asleep .
- 不得当场质询裁判,以维竞赛之进行。
- No immediateness interpellation is allowed when the race is still proceeding .
- 通过国外质询制度的模式比较分析得出启示,进而提出改进、完善我国质询制度的具体方案。
- Comparatively analyzing the interpellation system mode , and posing the detailed program to improve and consummate the interpellation system of our country .