- 希腊总理乔治帕潘德里欧已经提出宪法改革的思路,这次宪法改革将通过削减立法委员的人数以及修改选举制度来终止旧式的福利政策。
- George papandreou , the prime minister , has floated the idea of constitutional reform that would put an end to old-time patronage politics by cutting the number of legislators and altering the electoral system .
- 不算在下议院代表执政党的下院议员人数;扣除那些由于观念、年龄、性格或不明立场而不适合政府机构的人员;剩下的就没几个可以填满100多个职位供首相驱策了。
- Take the number of mps who represent the governing party in the house of commons ; subtract those unsuited to government office because of their views , age , disposition or dimness ; and there aren 't too many left to fill the 100-odd posts at the prime minister 's disposal .
- 判断一个素数能被几个9整除。
- Judgment can be a prime number nine divisible .