- 另外一款纹理选择与复制器?
- A complete texture selector and replicator ?
- 然后再用刷子使它回复纹理。
- Then gently brush to restore the texture .
- 其纹理不同于一般的脆饼。
- Its texture is different from regular shortbread .
- 最大的问题在于人的素质而不是数量。
- The biggest problem is quality not quantity .
- 阿富汗军队的人数和素质均在提高。
- The afghan army is growing in numbers and quality .
- 劳动者的素质一直以来被视为比劳动数量更为重要。
- And the quality of labour has been even more important than the quantity .
- 他寻找的是清晰和一致。
- He was looking for clarity and consistency .
- 我们需要用技术实现持续一致性。
- We need technique to achieve consistency .
- 第三个问题是缺乏一致性。
- The third problem is the lack of consistency .
- 一些神经纤维束也是可见的。
- Some nerve fiber tracts are also visible .
- 但是事实上真的没有任何技术可以撼动当前光纤通信的地位。
- But there 's really no technology that can touch our current fiber optics technology .
- 在欧洲,使用光纤是射电望远镜另一项大型升级的重点。
- Fiber optics are central to another big upgrade of radio telescopes in europe .
- 钢铁是无处不在的生产资料。
- Steel is the ubiquitous material of choice .
- 大部分资料肯定是具有隐私性的。
- Much of the material is certainly very private .
- 词典学更类似于材料科学。
- Lexicography is really more about material science .