- 然而两年过去了,海盗依然我行我素,“布利达”号货轮在2011年第一天被劫持,给全世界反海盗行动敲响了警钟。
- But two years later , the pirates still go its own way , " blida " cargo ship in the first day of 2011 was hijacked to the world sounded the alarm anti-piracy operations .
- 实际上,“布利达”号货轮并不是新年首日唯一遭到海盗袭击的货轮,当天共发生4起海盗袭击事件,只不过前3起是海盗作案未遂,媒体才将焦点对准“布利达”号货轮。
- In fact , " blida " cargo ship is not the only new year 's was the first day of the ship attacked by pirates , the same day there were four pirate attacks , but the first 3 from the pirates attempted crime , the media only sharpen the focus " blida " cargo ship .
- 法国瑟堡:绿色和平组织立在铁轨上,试图阻止运载铀的火车将货载到开往俄罗斯的货船上
- Cherbourg , france : greenpeace activists chained to a railway line try to prevent the arrival of a train carrying uranium to be loaded on a cargo ship for russia