- 如果收银员多找了你的钱,你一定要当着孩子的面把钱退回去。
- If the cashier accidently gives you too much money in change be sure your children see you return it .
- 她在1994年在国美做一名出纳,然后在2008年通过排名当上了分区经理。
- She started as a gome cashier in 1994 and climbed through the ranks to become a district manager in 2008 .
- 法国商人和美国商人一样聪明,但是他们不能在中央出纳部安装真空管道和一个敏捷记账系统。
- French merchants areas intelligent as american , but they could not install vacuum tubes and a swiftaccounting system in a central cashier 's department .
- 我是他们的兼职会计。
- I was their part-time accountant .
- 你的会计应该帮你制定这些制度。
- Your accountant should help you set up these systems .
- 你还多半雇了一个律师和一个会计。
- You probably have a lawyer and an accountant .