- 重症过敏性支气管痉挛后严重的酸中毒:朋友还是敌人?
- Grave acidosis after severe anaphylactic bronchospasm : friend or foe ?
- 他可以想象他的外婆把花放在那个与他同名的人的坟墓上,并且在这么多年之后眼睛中仍然有几滴泪水。
- He could picture his grandmother placing flowers on top of his namesake 's grave , a few tears in her eyes even after all these years .
- 在1945年后,工党政府将这种“斯巴达”式的社会保障改型成了“国民医疗保健”制度以及一个终生受益的体系。
- This spartan social safety net was transformed by the labour government after 1945 with a national health service and a system of cradle-to-grave benefits .