- 由于这一媒介的摄影特质和廉价入场费,电影的动力并非源自对欧洲高尚文化的枯燥仿效,而源自西洋景,牛仔戏,综艺剧和连环画源自于粗俗的,平常的事物。
- Because of the photographic nature of the medium and the cheap admission prices , movies took their impetus not from the desiccated imitation european high culture , but from the peep show , the wild west show , the music hall , the comic strip from what was coarse and common .
- 荒野(绿色)荒野是野蛮生物、凶猛野兽、未开化的原始类人生物和反覆无常的精类及精灵的家园。
- The wild ( green ) the wild is the home of savage creatures , ferocious beasts , barbarous or primal humanoids , and capricious fey or elves .
- 自从天鹅绒革命以来,布拉格华丽转身又成为一个一流的欧洲城市,她野性的东方气质把背包客,探险家和其他性喜游历的人们吸引到她鹅卵石铺就的街巷中来。
- The prague of the wild , wild east that drew backpackers , adventurers and other peripatetic souls to its cobblestoned streets after the velvet revolution has turned ( back ) into a first-class european city .