- 我们是怎么欺骗的呢?
- So how exactly do we cheat ?
- 男人们为什么要欺骗他们的妻子呢?
- Why do men cheat on their wives ?
- 没有人能够为这些评测做准备,也没有任何产生作弊的动机。
- No one can prepare for them , nor is there any incentive to cheat .
- 然而,到今年年末,这一纪录被轻松打破,因为美国银行家伯纳德马多夫于12月11日被逮捕,并被指控运作一起价值500亿美元的庞氏骗局,在这一骗局中,早期投资者的收益来自较晚加入投资者的金钱。
- By the end of the year , however , it was easily topped , as us financier bernard madoff was arrested dec. 11 and charged with running a $ 50 billion ponzi scheme , a swindle in which early investors are paid off with money from later ones .
- 由于缺乏透明度和卷入其中的诈骗行为,丝毫没有过硬的资料说明这一问题会演变成多大的麻烦。
- Due to the lack of transparency and swindle involved , there is no hard information on how big this problem can become .
- 莫斯科维兹大喊,无比的愤慨充斥着他。“骗了我一生的积蓄,然后又要把我当奶油沙司吃掉!这是什么世道?”
- Moscowitz cried , bracing himself for the consummate outrage . " To swindle me out of my life 's savings and then to nosh me in butter sauce ! What kind of universe is this ? "
- 如果所有的战争开销都是通过狡诈地向国外贷款和罪恶的通货膨胀来支付的呢?
- What if all wartime spending is paid for through the deceitful and evil process of inflating and borrowing ?
- 我从没见亨廷顿做过任何骗人的或是恶意的事情,也从没见他为了权力或后门或方便而牺牲他的原则。
- I never saw sam huntington do anything deceitful or malicious , never saw him sacrifice his principles for power or access or expedience .
- 正如耶利米所写:人心比万物都诡诈,坏到极处,谁能识透呢?
- As jeremiah writes , " the heart is deceitful above all things , and desperately wicked : who can know it ? "