- 没有玩笑,而且很难保持积极的心态。
- There 's no banter and it 's hard to stay motivated .
- 在一段“回到未来”的旅程后,两人登台,互开玩笑,还调侃起他们的母亲和祖母。
- After taking a trip " back to the future , " the couple ended up onstage for banter with each other -- and their mother and grandmother .
- 有迎合式幽默的人在的地方就好玩;他们会讲一些有趣的东西,说笑话,致力于诙谐地玩笑,且一般都能使人放松心情。
- People who use bonding humor are fun to have around ; they say amusing things , tell jokes , engage in witty banter and generally lighten the mood .
- 他半开玩笑地透露,他选用的网名叫“知情影客”。
- Half in jest he chose the pseudonym the shadow knows .
- 但如果他是在开玩笑,那么他的话语在那些无法理解的人们中就变得空虚了。
- But if he speaks in jest , his words are idle among men who cannot receive them .
- 一位市场分析师半开玩笑半认真地说:“一个屏蔽youtube的国家,怎么可能成为金融霸主呢?”
- " How can a country that blocks youtube ever be a financial powerhouse ? " Asks one market analyst , only half in jest .
- 他说俏皮话贬低我的能力。
- He made a wisecrack about my ability .
- 你对什么都有说俏皮话的本事不是?
- You have a smart little wisecrack for everything , don 't you ?
- 几周来,右翼批评者们纷纷荒唐且骇人地声称医改会导致“死亡小组”现象和其它不良后果。
- For weeks , right-wing critics have made nonsensical but alarming claims that his reforms will lead to " death panels " and other travesties .
- 地球是一个这类造物倾倒其不想要的黑暗的地方,这样后者就可停留在一个惟有爱和光明的舞蹈中,没有暴力、饥馑,也没有其他形式的虐行或悲剧。
- Earth is a place that such other creations dump their unwanted darkness so that they can retain an only loving and light dance without violence , starvation or other forms of abuse and travesties .
- 文学中英国都铎和斯图亚特时代的歪曲和宗教犯罪混乱和分歧的传说。
- Travesties and transgressions in tudor and stuart england : tales of discord and dissension .