- 希腊是否应该从自身利益出发、积极谋求退出呢?
- Should greece actively seek an exit , in its own interests ?
- 他在周一宣布不会谋求在2012年获得连任。
- He announced monday he wouldn 't seek re-election in 2012 .
- 至于中产阶级,法西斯主义不谋求对他们的没收。
- As for the bourgeoisie , fascism doesn 't seek their expropriation .
- 2.预测可能出现的问题,提前进行规划。
- Anticipate problems that might come up and plan for them . "
- 然而,这个计划不会奏效。
- Their master plan won 't work .
- 有时,备选方案也毫不逊色。
- Sometimes , plan b is pretty good .
- 现在情节又复杂了。
- Now the plot thickens again .
- 简单的情节有时候是最好的。
- A simple plot is sometimes the best .
- 对许多人来说,这一情节似乎荒谬。
- To many , the plot seemed absurd .
- 科罗拉多的共和党也许会对着11小时的计谋感到遗憾。
- Republicans in colorado may come to regret the 11th-hour stratagem .
- 当吉多韦斯特韦勒被绊了一下时,他通常的策略是假装什么都没发生。
- When guido westerwelle stumbles , his usual stratagem is to pretend nothing happened .
- 随着时间的流逝,起初感觉令人眩晕的狂喜于你那聪明的诡计,现在开始变的自责。
- As time passes , the giddy elation you felt at first , at the brilliance of your stratagem , begins eroding into shame .
- 他的战略或许会成功。
- His strategy may be working .
- 他们的战略已经失败。
- Their strategy has come unstuck .
- 他的战略还面临其他的挑战。
- His strategy has other challenges .
- 但这个方案存有争议。
- But the scheme is controversial .
- 最终的方案达到了这个标准。
- The final scheme met that vision .
- 许多人对该计划持怀疑态度。
- The scheme has many sceptics .
- 与全球最大赌博中心的联合,曾赋予该公司某种魅力。
- Association with the world 's biggest gambling hub used to confer a certain glamour .
- 授予一项荣誉即是肯定了众人某种共同秉持的信念。
- To confer an honor is to affirm a standard believed to be held in common .
- 剑桥大学都是在十月份授予学位的,这就意味着学生们必须等到中秋之后才能申请他们的工作签证了。
- University of cambridge doesn 't confer degrees until october , which means students have to wait until mid-fall to apply for their work visa .
- 她不愿谈论自己的目标。
- She will not discuss her goals .
- 有些性工作者会很开放地谈论自己的工作。
- Some sex workers openly discuss their work .
- 即使在好朋友之间我们也不谈论钱。
- We don 't discuss money even among the best friends .