- 它每年吞吐着2.5万名经理人、官员和会计师,希望向他们灌输西方的金融方法。
- Each year it sucks in and spits out 25000 managers , officials and accountants , whom it seeks to inculcate in the ways of western finance .
- 他们和那些忠实受众完全不同,而后者是你期望通过长时间的信息灌输来培养的。
- They are the exact opposite of a loyal audience , the kind that you might expect , over time , to inculcate with your message .
- 最后,美联储可以把长期收益率的不断上升解读为预期通胀上升的迹象,而这正是害怕通缩的美联储希望反复灌输的。
- Finally , the fed can interpret rising long-term yields as a sign of expectations of higher inflation , just what the central bank , scared of deflation , wants to inculcate .