- 我们每个人梳理我们从他那里得到的一缕一缕的哲学。
- We each tease out our own strands of philosophy from what he has to say .
- 这篇文章会称这座城市lemberg来取笑这群人。
- To tease them , this diary will call the city lemberg .
- 在夏布洛尔电影里,有很多迹象是对中产阶级故作自尊的取笑。
- There was a tease in chabrol and many signs of bourgeois respectability .
- 我并非故意翻出这些老话来取笑肯尼迪教授。
- I am not dredging up these old comments to make fun of prof kennedy .
- 我们的单口喜剧演员只敢拿那些不幸的人开玩笑。
- Our standup comics dare only make fun of the unfortunate .
- 今天,bigwig被用于嘲笑那些自认为重要的人。
- Today the expression bigwig is used to make fun of a person who feels important .