- 其美学艺术效果是值得质疑的,因为恰当、整洁铺设的路边石也看起来不错。
- Its aesthetic effect is questionable because properly and neatly laid curbstones look good as they are .
- 可能那些抽象的艺术图片会让你的网站看起来很有味道,但是他们并不会吸引多少读者的注意力。
- While they might look good with your design , abstract and artsy photos aren 't going to garner much reader attention .
- 如果你要穿牛仔裤,不要穿那种口袋太多的,那也不好看。
- If you are going to wear jeans , make sure they are not too baggy . This does not look good .