- 交流和对话非常的重要。
- Exchange and dialogue are critical .
- 但收税就是一项这样的强制交易。
- But taxation is just such a coerced exchange .
- 股票交易所的整合很少有比现在更热的时候。
- Rarely has stock exchange consolidation been more fevered .
- 这些因素压低了掉期市场上的利率。
- That has pushed swap rates down .
- 摩根士丹利信用违约掉期的差价增大。
- Credit-default swap spreads for morgan stanley jumped .
- 雷曼的掉期合同仍然敞着口。
- Its swap exposures are still being unwound .
- 我们推荐使用mediacoder免费转换视频格式。
- We recommend mediacoder for free conversion .
- 这种转化将通过降低发电机功耗来增进燃料经济性。
- The conversion can improve fuel economy by reducing an engine 's workload .
- 在社交网络来说,这是相当高的转化率。
- In the social world , this is a high conversion rate .