- 但在开放模式,这就导致了青霉素的发现。
- Instead , in open mode , it was a clue that pointed to penicillin .
- 巴西可能陷入缓慢增长模式。
- Brazil could be stuck in slow growth mode .
- 此外,雷鸟全球管理学院经常陷入无止境的转变模式之中。
- Besides , the school was often in perpetual turnaround mode .
- 一个漂亮风格的模态窗口。
- A beautifully styled modal window .
- 多个页面内容被集成在一个单一的模态窗口中。
- Multiple pages of content are integrated here in a single modal window .
- 一个很好的过渡效果是模态窗口的渐进渐出。
- One good transition effect for modal windows is fading in and out .
- 那些家伙在写下你最喜欢的曲子时在想些什么呢?
- What was the artist thinking when writing your favorite tune ?
- 谱首歌曲为他们在窗外歌唱---即使你拿不准调。
- Compose a song and serenade them even if you can 't carry a tune .
- 要合调我在it部门工作,这是一个男性主导的环境。
- In tune I work in it in a male-dominated environment .