- 安排任务到日历中。
- Scheduling it in your calendar .
- 问题:波音2007年对紧固件短缺的分析报告证实,在该零件的订购和调度方面存在根本性的问题。
- The problem : in 2007 boeing 's analysis of the shortage confirmed that there were fundamental ordering and scheduling problems .
- 这个解决方案可以是安排一个时间去认真思考这个问题等如此简单。
- The solution can be as simple as scheduling a time to think more about the issue .
- 那你怎么予以控制呢?
- How do you take control ?
- 所以我打电话给控制。
- So I call the control .
- 国家管理还有另一个坏处。
- State control has other pernicious effects .
- 这样该列车才首次出现在调度员的电脑屏幕上;此前错误的绿灯信号使他一直处于“隐形状态”。
- That action apparently made the train appear on the dispatcher 's screen for the first time ; the false green signal had made him all but invisible .
- 在附近的一个车站,一名技术人员发现了铁轨上令人迷惑的信号,命令修理工冲进暴风雨去查找故障原因;同时,他将问题报告给上海一名叫张华的调度员。
- At a nearby station , a technician picked up garbled signals from the tracks and ordered repairmen into the storm to investigate ; meanwhile , he reported the problem to a dispatcher in shanghai named zhang hua .
- 如果你正在莫斯科,想要拿出一个白天来看看这个巨型的展览,你得要在日出前起床,找个懂英语的调度员租辆车,并尽早出发,以避开早上的交通高峰。
- If you 're visiting moscow and want to view this sprawling exhibition as an extended day trip , you should rise before dawn , find an english-speaking dispatcher from a car service and make tracks early enough to escape the rush hour .