
lambast 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The party 's bigwigs attend anti-wal-mart rallies and lambast the company-america 's biggest retailer and private employer-for failing to provide adequate health care or recognise unions .
- 民主党要人参加反沃尔玛,痛责这个美国最大的零售商和私营雇佣公司没有提供足够的医疗保障和对工会予以承认。
- As well as giving mr ellison another reason to lambast hp 's behaviour , the suit is also a sign of growing tension between technology firms as they venture beyond their traditional markets .
- 这给了埃里森先生又一个理由来抨击惠普的行为,这起诉讼也表明随着科技公司开始在传统市场外寻求投资,它们之间的关系只会愈加紧张。
- They lambast tax havens for sucking in the money of foreigners and multinational companies .
- 他们严厉斥责避税港吞噬了外国人和跨国公司的钱。
- He started an entertaining personal blog to lambast the deal and used the web to reveal that the company wanted to bid for xugong .
- 向文波开通了一个有趣的个人博客斥责这笔交易,并且利用网络透露,三一重工欲竞购徐工。
- Meanwhile many northern taxpayers deeply resent the transfers of tax money to the south and lambast the region 's corruption .
- 与此同时,意大利北部的许多纳税人对于把税收资金转移给南部感到强烈不满,并对南部地区的腐败问题深恶痛绝。
- What does , ironically , veer more towards sensationalism , are the attempts by opponents of climate action to lambast such discussions as opportunistic , to try to shut down the dialogue .
- 但是讽刺的是那些气候行动的对手试图谴责这样的讨论,正如投机取巧的试图关闭对话,这些才是更加的哗众取宠。
- Those in the west who rightly praise mr kagame for his achievements in development must also loudly lambast him for his loathsome and needless tendency to intolerance .
- 那些公正的赞颂卡加梅先生在经济发展方面成就的西方政客也应该大声的谴责卡加梅令人作呕且不必要的狭隘胸怀。
- A few hours later , several hundred adults gather at the edge of the playground to lambast a government plan for a new columbarium nearby .
- 几个小时过后,几百个成年人聚在操场周边抗议政府在附近建设骨灰堂的计划。
- Executives from the two companies frequently take to newspapers and microblogging platforms such as sina corp. 's weibo to lambast , accuse and abuse one another .
- 两家公司的高管常常在报纸和新浪微博等微博平台上相互攻击、指责和谩骂。
- Opposition leaders , anti-corruption campaigners and all manner of activists have queued up to lambast the government for its treatment of mr hazare .
- 反对党领袖、反腐运动者以及各种各样活动分子都纷纷谴责政府对哈扎尔的关押。