- 这一过程就是调制。
- This is known as modulation .
- 佛瑞发现,正是调制诱发了种类最为广泛的生物效应。
- It was modulation , frey discovered , that induced the widest variety of biological effects .
- 白炽灯和日光灯的光其实并不适合调制,不过它们已是旧式的照明技术了。
- Incandescent light bulbs and fluorescent tubes are not really suitable for modulation , but they are yesterday 's lighting technology .
- 这把戏的奥妙在于甲虫在腹部一个燃烧室调制化学液体,由一个进口和一个释放阀精确控制成分配比。
- The trickery lies in the mixing together of a chemical concoction in a sort of combustion chamber in the insect 's abdomen , with inlet and exit valves determining the precise blend .
- 如果这种甜的混合物不能再人群聚集的市场得到畅销,这种产品就需要重新测试重新改进。
- If the sweet concoction doesn 't sell at all to the market crowd , the product may need to be reexamined before getting pushed in bigger ponds .
- 理查德表示,自己原本只是打算重复别人的实验,但却收集了一试管由混合物发射出来的中子。
- His plan , he says , was to repeat the experiment , but this time collect into a test tube the neutrons that were emanating from the concoction .
- 在前一天晚上做好准备。
- Prepare the night before .
- 要做好坏消息的准备。
- Prepare for some bad news .
- 他们抱最好的期望,做最坏的打算。
- They hope for the best and prepare for the worst .